PELLET B Test Prep


A complete guide of methods and PELLET B test prep resources to help you

pass the POST Entry Level Law Enforcement Test Battery


Learn about what the PELLET B is, the sections, and how long each section is.

PELLET B Test Info

PELLET B Study Guide

Learn the best tips for studying for the PELLET B. Our free webinar gives you all you need to know to effectively study.

PELLET B Study Guide Info

PELLET B Test Prep

Learn more about the best test prep courses out there and see how they stack up.

PELLET B Test Prep Info

PELLET B Practice Test

Learn about what kinds of PELLET B practice tests you should prepare with

PELLET B Practice Test Info

PELLET B Test Dates

Learn where to find the PELLET B test dates for the agency you’re applying for.

PELLET B Test Dates Info


Learn the answers to many of the most common questions about the PELLET B


The PELLET B Test is a test designed to measure Writing, Reading, and Reasoning abilities.

California mandates that peace officers be able to read and write at levels necessary to perform the job of a peace officer. Peace officer meaning: any sworn law enforcement officer, whether that be a police officer, deputy sheriff, special agent.

The California POST or Peace Officer’s Standards and Training Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery or PELLET B is the most commonly used written exam in California to test reading and writing ability because performance on the PELLET B is highly correlated with performance and the police academy, many agencies and academies use a PELLET B as an indicator of readiness for a law enforcement career.

Effective PELLET B Test Prep will focus on preparing these abilities for the test

Officer with radio