Sgt. Godoy’s PELLET B Test Prep is the #1 prep course for the PELLET B Test and offers more than the competitors.
This test prep offers practice tests for every section of the PELLET B, as well as answer explanations, practice quizzes, video-based tutorials and more! This course will surely up your chances of getting a high score on the the PELLET B.
• The tutorials are detailed and go into depths into the the sections of the PELLET B
• There are hundreds of relevant practice questions to make each practice quiz unique and realistic
• You will learn how to master the challenging CLOZE section of the PELLET B
• This course is superior in terms of accessibility
• You can view it on your PC, Mac, or mobile device.
• Your license for the course is unlimited so you can use it whenever you need to prepare for the PELLET B
• The course is only $69.99 which is much less costly than going into the PELLET B unprepared, failing and having to wait 30 days to retake it.
But wait, there’s more!
The course also includes complementary courses on
• The Psych Exam
• The Polygraph
• and the Oral Interview
Learn more about Sgt Godoy’s PELLETB QuickPrep Course